Founded in Britain in 1985 the Alternative Software Softology reached hudnereds of titles by the 1990’s. Yet another of these budget labels – but compared to other labels it has given us a number of killer titles. I remember playing a bunch of theses high end titles being availabe under the Alternative Software label. Something very special with Alternative Software must be their classy prepared tapes – they really looked top of the tops in comparison to some of the highend labels. In 1989/1990 they started to produce their own titles, mainly based on television shows – see Count Duckula below.

See some favourites below, Licensed Popeye and Who Dares Wins II – and produced by themselves, Count Duckula:

Life’s not all a bowl of spinach for Popeye as he hunts for hearts to win the love of Olive Oyl. His rival, the macho Bluto, is not amused. He thumps around making pulp of Popeye.
Olive Oyl demands a never-ending supply of love! Keep her sweet by collecting 25 scattered hearts and handing them over. Take care to check Olive’s loveometer. When her love level starts to fade you must restore it by delivering some of the hearts you have collected.

The task is not easy. Hearts can be anywhere up the light house, on board the ship, under the ocean, locked in the house, on the roof, inside the fruit machine . . .
It’s not just the right door keys that Popeye needs to collect on his way.
The coin is for the fruit machine but what ‘s the lucky combination you must ‘hold ‘? And why is there an explosive fuse below the lighthouse? It could have something to do with Popeye firing the cannon but don’t let him jump onto a red flame!
Who Dares Wins II

You have been selected for a mission of vital importance to the war effort. You must go behind enemy lines and rescue your captured comrades from the firing squads. Armed only with an AR15 assault rifle and 5 grenades you face the onslaught of the enemy hordes. Many townships have fallen, their civic centres turned into impenetrable stongholds.
Where will the enemy attack next?
It could be from the roof tops of ruined buildings or from foxholes dug in your path!
It could be from behind boulders, or a stinging attack from the air, only your special forces training will help you.

Additional Data
We have discovered that a total of 8 townships have now fallen. This is wors than we expected so be ready for immediate departure.
We have also learned that the enemy are geared up for, and expecting, a full frontal large scale attack. By our calculations, a single man has more chance of succeeding than a large strike force. Our C-130 supply aircraft will regulary drop you ammunition supplies.
Count Duckula

Count Duckula and his faithful servants lgor and Nanny have transported themselves and their castle over to the land of the Pharaohs, Egypt. There they decide to search for the mystical Sax, an ancient saxophone with strange magical powers. They know that the Sax is hidden somewhere in the tomb ofthe great Pharaoh Upanatem, a gigantic pyramid in the middle of the desert . What they do not know is that they have also brought along some unwanted guests in the shape of the Crow Brothers.
Duckula must explore the pyramid, solving puzzles and collecting useful items whlle keeping an eye out for wandering Mummies and Crows. With lgor keeping an eye on the time and Nanny keeping an eye on Duckula he must find the mystical Sax before the dawn breaks in Transylvania and the castle returns him home.

You control Duckula, you must avoid the Mummies, falling rocks and the Crow Brothers.
lf you are touched by any of these then you are ‘ ‘ frozen’ ‘ and the clock advances by 1 hour.
Duckula can pickup various really useful items, if you don’t want an item then Duckula must jump over it. Duckula can carry up to 3 items. When you wish to use an item then press the keys 1, 2 or 3 to correspond with the wanted item.
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If you are a full blooded collector – here is the list of all the games you should collect to be 100%.