In the process of sorting all the content I got prepared for this site I came to ask myself, “Which covers had most impact on you?”. You all would probably guess that it was the big labels and the big titles that came to mind? But no, it was not. I’m really stuck with the covers from Supersoft, pencil painted covers with not to bright colours – this is what I call real retrogaming art.
We also have titles that are great within the Supersoft label, first we have one of my favorites in plattform gaming – Burger Chase – you are the chef in panic action trying to get hold of all your ingredients to make your perfect burger – really just to come up with this gameplot is so fantastic in it’s simplicity.

And as all labels in this early stage of 8bit gaming, also Supersoft tried to push for their Donkey Kong clone called Crazy Kong, not to be mixed with the title from Anirog called Krazy Kong. The game itself need no more introduction as it is unlikely that you have not played the original or any of the clones. I will future on dedicate a full post on these clones – I have many to show you.

Least but not last we need to highlight Stix, also released as Qix, a so simple game design but with such a playable game. The speed, the direct results on what you have left to manage the level and the challenge proportions of the game between friends made this game a multi-hour spendable. If you have not played it, please try it as you will not regret it.

For more Supersoft covers, just check our upbuilding covergallery – offering hundreds of gamecovers.
With this I wish you a wonderful new year – let 2021 be remembered as the joyful year of love and prosperity.