8bit C64 Cover Upgrades Firebird Silver 1.99 Range Silver Range

Booty Upgrade

The Booty Upgrade

To understand this Booty cover upgrade you need to understand the difference between Silver range to Silver 1.99 Range.

The Silver Range is a label serie from Firebird. Symbolized by a grey and white frame. With a central TV formed picture showing a screenshot from the game.

These covers are really charming in one way. I guess that for the occasion they were inviting and clear on what game you would be buying. I really truthful design.

Tape Game Cover C64 Commodore 64 Firebird - Booty

The new label

The Silver 1.99 Range was a development of the previous label. The games released on this label are many. And also for many more machines. On the cover side one could see a dramatic change. Th new covers coming up were more vivid and action filled.

With the new label it was decided to include re-releases of games. Many coming from some of the major brands. Noticeable is that the budget label itself gives the sensation of a full price game.

On the difference side, it is really a choice if you prefer a truthful design that gives you the real picture on what you buy. Or if you want your game purchase to start with an imagination based on a really nice cover and extend that sensation to the actual game.

Tape Game Cover Commodore C64 Firebird Silver Range - Booty

Your judgment

We at retromuseums like them both and have difficulties in deciding which of the two covers that we prefer. Both are likeable but in a different way.

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